Monday, September 7, 2009

The Smell of Hockey Is In the Air

Washington Capitals Hockey

The recent cool weather has made me aware that Fall is right around the corner in this neck of the woods. While many people look forward to Spring and baseball, for me Fall is the time of year I look forward to as a Sports fan because the sports that I enjoy most, football and especially hockey will soon be starting a new season. After being away from the game for a few months, the 7th game disaster by the Capitals against the Penguins doesn't seem quite as painful. While I wouldn't quite put the loss on the same scale as the Colts losing to the Jets in the Super Bowl, or the Orioles losing to the Mets in the 69 World Series, it was nevertheless quite a downer to see the Capitals lose once again to the Pittsburgh Penguins when from all appearances they had everything in their favor this time.

In any event, I've decided that I'm going to enjoy the game for the game itself this year, and not get so caught up in final outcomes. In other words, I plan on enjoying the process much more, and not worry about where the team finishes or who their possible playoff opponent will be. While expectations are part of what makes it fun, I also realize that having unrealistic expectations can lead to a lot of disappointment, and can take much of the enjoyment from it. After all, it's just a game right?

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